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Which industries are PVC and PET transparent packaging boxes suitable for use?

1、Cosmetic industry: perfume, skin care products, cosmetic combination sets and a series of environmentally friendly transparent gift packaging boxes.

2、Electronic industry: electronic products packaging box is the most widely used PVC plastic box, U disk, mobile power, cell phone case, cell phone film, mouse and other PVC transparent packaging box.

3, other industries: fishing gear, clothing, daily household, automotive boutique and other consumer goods in various industries pvc transparent packaging boxes.

4, like mother and baby products packaging boxes, medicine and food packaging boxes I would recommend the use of pet plastic boxes, pet material is environmentally safe is directly available for food-grade packaging boxes, and some special products we have to customize the program design packaging boxes.

About PVC transparent packaging boxes and PET transparent packaging boxes suitable for use in which industries have been sorted out for me, which material packaging boxes better, or according to their own needs to decide.

